Home Social Media The Top 6 Benefits Of Instagram For Your Business

The Top 6 Benefits Of Instagram For Your Business

by MatesNews

Instagram is a smartphone application that lets users capture and/or publish images right away, as well as swiftly modify them using a specialized set of filters and a patented tilt-shift function that makes them stand out from the competition. The reason the person in line behind you at Starbucks is likely taking a picture of the pastry case for no obvious reason is that it has gained popularity faster than any other mobile app. Instagram has an entire nation of iPhone and Android users hooked, and it is highly addictive. And your company ought to go where the public does.

The following are the 6 reasons why Instagram is ideal for your business if you’re the owner of your company or the person in charge of branding on IG as Mr. Follower:

1. Instagram Updates Immediately

You may use Instagram for brand building right away, without having to wait till you go home or to the workplace. Using your iPhone or Android, you can quickly take the shot, tweak it, upload it, make a comment (don’t forget the hashtags), and share it from your brand’s page.

2. No Need for Additional Accounts

On Instagram, you are free to start using your account as a brand right away without facing any consequences, unlike Facebook and Google+ where you must first create a lengthy personal profile before creating a brand page. It’s a simple process to set up.

3. Everyone Has a Photographer Inside of Them

Because they lack writing skills or know-how to refine their creative energies for content marketing, many businesses owners struggle when it comes to leveraging social networks to increase their consumer base. However, everyone enjoys shooting pictures, and let’s face it, practically everyone believes they are talented with a camera. While darkroom results frequently show the contrary, Instagram’s simplicity and easy editing will make you the Herb Ritts of your product/service content marketing.

4. It Enhances the Appeal of Your Brand

This is why using Instagram to promote your goods or services is so beneficial. Instagram filters make business supply vendors, junk haulers, and even online marketers look hip. By posting candid office photos to Instagram, you can showcase your company’s culture, product, or service. In a way that no other sharing network has been able to do so far, Instagram albums give brands personality.

5. Establish a Location Page for Your Company

The value of having a physical location associated with your brand’s online presence has been demonstrated by Google Places and the newly introduced Google+ Local Pages for companies. You can Geotag the location the photo was shot from (i.e., your place of business) and add it to the location page on Instagram thanks to Instagram’s integration with the Foursquare location database. You might gain a new client if visitors looking through photographs based on location come upon one of your products that they like in their neighborhood. You can add your company to the Instagram/Foursquare database if a location is not already mentioned.

6. It’s Simpler to Acquire Followers

The audience won’t feel like they are being inundated with SPAM while following your brand account on Instagram because you cannot add links. Customers are more likely to follow you on Instagram than on any other social network if you regularly share intriguing photographs that highlight your product or service. With a larger fan base, it will be simpler for you to develop brand recognition. Instagram contributes to your growth on Twitter and Facebook by making those social networks simple to link to. However, the same social network marketing guidelines still apply: engage (comment, “like,” and follow your customers FIRST). They follow back on Instagram.

Influencer marketing has become increasingly popular as a result of social media’s rapid expansion. All social media platforms are currently using influencer marketing, and it is currently the most successful method of advertising your goods and services on social media.

One of the most popular platforms for showcasing your goods is Instagram. It is seeking additional ways and tactics to monetize the platform and the growing number of users and customers it has. Because Instagram allows you to share your moments with your friends and followers, Influencer Marketing has begun to take root and flourish there.


We can’t ignore the fact that Instagram has a lot greater engagement rate than Facebook or Twitter even though it is organic (2.3%) and higher than any other social media network. Instagram has clearly shown itself to be the finest platform to develop your influencer campaign in this you can comprar curtidas automáticas on IG.


One of the social media channels with the quickest growth is Instagram. Instagram is expected to increase by 15.1% this year, compared to a 3.1% growth for all other social networks. Then, more than any other social media network, Instagram will gain 26.9 million members during the following four years. Impressive! Why? Millennials use Instagram in a very intense way.


Instagram is the simplest and most enjoyable social sharing network available, and while it doesn’t offer the linking opportunities that many internet marketers are overly obsessed with, it can be a fantastic tool for creating your company’s brand persona and for building brand recognition among your online customer base.

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